Как настроить helix gmod

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Getting Started

It’s pretty easy to get started with creating your own schema with Helix. It requires a bit of bootstrapping if you’re starting from scratch, but you should quickly be on your way to developing your schema after following one of the below sections in this guide.

Installing the framework

Before you start working on your schema, you’ll need to install Helix onto your server. The exact instructions will vary based on your server provider, or if you’re hosting the server yourself.

MySQL usage


Helix uses the MySQLOO library to connect to MySQL databases. You’ll need to follow the instructions for installing that library onto your server before continuing. In a nutshell, you need to make sure gmsv_mysqloo_win32.dll or gmsv_mysqloo_linux.dll (depending on your server’s operating system) is in the garrysmod/lua/bin folder.


Another important thing to note about this configuration file is that you must indent with two spaces only. database should not have any spacing before it, and all other entries must have two spaces before them. Failing to ensure this will make the configuration file fail to load.

Starting with the HL2 RP schema (Basic)

This section is for using the existing HL2 RP schema as a base for your own schema. It contains a good amount of example code if you need a stronger foundation than just a skeleton.

First, you’ll need to download the schema from GitHub. Make sure that you download the contents of the repository into a folder called ixhl2rp and place it into your garrysmod/gamemodes folder. That’s all you’ll need to do to get the schema installed, other than setting your gamemode to ixhl2rp in the server’s command line.

Starting with the skeleton (Basic)

If you don’t want excess code you might not use, or prefer to build from an almost-empty foundation that covers the basic bootstrapping, then the skeleton schema is for you. The skeleton schema contains a lot of comments explaining why code is laid out in a certain way, and some other helpful tips/explanations. Make sure you give it a read!

Converting from Clockwork (Intermediate)

If you are looking to switch to Helix from Clockwork, you can follow the conversion guide.


Как настроить helix gmod

Helix is a framework for roleplay gamemodes in Garry’s Mod, based off of NutScript 1.1. Helix provides a stable, feature-filled, open-source, and DRM-free base so you can focus more on the things you want: making gameplay.

Visit the getting started guide in the documentation for an in-depth guide.

If you know what you’re doing, a quick start for bootstrapping your own schema is forking/copying the skeleton schema at https://github.com/nebulouscloud/helix-skeleton. The skeleton contains all the important elements you need to have a functioning schema so you can get to coding right away.

You can also use our HL2 RP schema at https://github.com/nebulouscloud/helix-hl2rp as a base to work off of if you need something more fleshed out.

If you’d like to enhance your gamemode, you can use any of the freely provided plugins available at the Helix Plugin Center. It is also encouraged to submit your own plugins for others to find and use at https://github.com/nebulouscloud/helix-plugins

Up-to-date documentation can be found at https://docs.gethelix.co. This is automatically updated when commits are pushed to the master branch.

Feel free to submit a pull request with any fixes/changes that you might find beneficial. Currently, there are no solid contributing guidelines other than keeping your code consistent with the rest of the framework.

Helix is a fork of NutScript 1.1 by Chessnut and rebel1324.



Как настроить helix gmod

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В самом начале вам нужно скачать режим ( Игровой gamemode ) Для ролевой игры. Ну и в этом руководстве будет gaymode HELIX и схема HL2 ROLEPLAY ( Хотя если хотите, делайте что хотите, хоть усритесь )

Так вот, переходим по ссылкам на официальные репозитории небулос.клауд и качаем нужные нам файлы

Переходим по ссылкам и качаем одной кнопкой «DOWNLOAD ZIP»

Далее необходимо отправить папки из архивов в папку вашего гмода по пути

И переименуйте их вот таким вот образом



Ну, да, маловато будет.

Пора скачивать плагины, но где? Возвращаемся на гитхаб, в репозиторий с плагинами

Смотрите, читаете, качаете ( Вам нужно знать english язык, без него никак ) В описании плагинов обычно написано что как и почему работает. Так что выбираете нужное и кидаете папки, или файлы в вашу схему hl2rp по пути

Если плагинов в этом репозитории вам мало, можете посетить официальный дискорд-сервер HELIX, вот ссылка ( Все еще нужно знание английского language )

DISCORD INVITE [discord.gg]
Посмотрите канал #releases, там много интересного и неплохого контента, БЕСПЛАТНО
А если у вас есть деньги, то можете в канале #jobs попросить что-то ПЛАТНО

Я вижу, ты все еще недоволен своим сервером, открою секрет.
Нет не открою, но стоит посмотреть по подпапкам в папке shema, если ты хочешь добавить или изменить что-то незначительное, например фракцию или предметы. То же иногда сработает и plugins. Просто копируй, переименовывай и редактируй.

Так же рекомендую посмотреть данные гайды от кого-то там по установке, если что-то неясно

Это самый короткий гайд который я мог написать, тут почти ничего нет, но если вам нехватило информации отсюда, то вот вам ссылка на официальный сайт хеликса ( АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ) Там можно много чего посмотреть интересного.


Как настроить helix gmod

A repository for plugins I have created to be used with Helix, a roleplaying script for Garry’s Mod. I hope you enjoy my work! Thank you to the Helix developers (and the devs that came before them) for laying the framework for me to build upon. I would not have gotten anywhere starting from scratch. Please excuse my spaghetti code.

If you have any questions about my plugins, or would just like to get in touch with me, you can find me on Discord @fauxzor#8368 or you can add me on Steam here.

This plugin extends the functionality of the radio implementation included in the default Helix HL2RP schema. In summary, this plugin makes the following changes & additions:

New chat commands (with examples)

Frequencies can be any number between 100.1 and 999.9 but must be given in that exact format, with three digits, a decimal, and one more digit. Be specific!

Entries must be separated by a comma, and although the name can be anything, you are limited to 16 characters (for reasons).

No special handling is needed for spaces in the callsign; anything after the character’s name will be the callsign verbatim. In the example, Character1’s callsign was set to War Pig. To clear a player’s callsign and reset it to the default, simply enter the character’s name without a callsign.

Separation of non-local radio chat from local radio chat

In the past, radio scripts have not made a strong distinction between radio chatter and «regular» chatter. Even if someone is standing within earshot of you when they transmit, you will often receive their message as a radio transmission in your chatbox, as will they, even though they were heard far more clearly in the «real world» than on the radio. This sort of feedback encourages players to use the radio even when they don’t have to, which clutters up the chatbox and in my opinion subverts the entire point of a roleplaying script, which is to provide an elegant «local chat» solution.


With «Extended Radio», your radio transmissions and any that you receive within earshot of the speaker will be displayed as local chat and shown in the regular chatbox. Any radio transmissions you receive from someone out of earshot will be displayed as a radio message, with all the associated aesthetics & sound effects.

Customizable radio channels subordinate to each frequency

The channel of your active radio can be changed using \setChan or by using the «Channel» command on the radio item in your inventory. Each frequency has 4 channels— 1, 2, 3, and 4. You must be on the same channel as the speaker to receive their message, even if you are also on the same frequency. To reduce chatbox clutter, if you only have one radio enabled, you will only see the speaker’s channel next to their name when you receive a radio message; if you have more than one radio enabled (and they’re both not on the same frequency), you will also see their frequency, so you know which one to reply on. You should see the name of the channel corresponding to the radio you received the message on (barring special circumstances).

You can rename these channels by using \chanRename number,name as one string separated by a comma. This will set the specified channel of your active radio to the specified name. However, it is recommended instead to ues the «Channel» command on the item in the inventory, which opens up a graphical interface to change channels and control channel names. Other people can not see the names of your channels. unless they pick up your radio! Channel names are saved per-radio and persist after being dropped.

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Listening and broadcasting to multiple channels at once

By using the command \rbc or ( \radioBroadcast ), you will toggle sending transmissions on your active radio to all channels on your frequency. This can also be controlled by running the «Broadcast» command on the item in your inventory. Again, this is a toggled command, so remember to stop broadcasting once you’re done! Messages received as a broadcast do not show a channel name, but instead solely the frequency (unless you’re receiving it on a walkie talkie, in which case you’ll just see your channel name, since you don’t have access to the walkie’s «frequency»). Broadcasting radios in your inventory are marked with a blue-green pip above the status icon, and display helpful text when you hover over them to remind you that you’re broadcasting.

Three different levels of control are available in the config menu. Level 1 (default) enables broadcasting for long range radios only. Level 2 enables it for long range and regular radios, and Level 3 enables it for walkie talkies as well. There is also the option to disable broadcasting altogether.

You can also listen to all of the channels on a frequency by using the «Listen» command on the radio item. This will display an orange pip to the left of the status icon. You cannot listen and transmit on your active radio at the same time, unless you are broadcasting; this is to prevent people from just «listening» all of the time.


Distance-based radio scrambling, with modifiers for being indoors, using a long range radio, yelling, etc.

These modifiers remain a work in progress, but the general idea is that:

Although somewhat cludgy I decided to stick with the «multiplier» system to adjust the maximum radio range. Source units are not very intuitive to most people and different map geometries make them less meaningful than the chat range, which all radio ranges are based off of. You can adjust the maximum radio range by adjusting the radio range multiplier from 1x the chat range to 135x the chat range (approximately the maximum Source map size and then some). Of note is that the «max range» is just the range which results in 100% scrambling; due to the nature of the scrambling code, and in what qualifies as a «readable» message, this may not be the actual «maximum range» to hear something useful.

In addition to the maximum range, you can also adjust the distance-based model governing the garbling in the config. Each setting corresponds to a different model. Below is a plot of each of the models available, along with some commentary for each. Play around and find settings that work for you!

decay models 1

fracs 1

New «radio yell» and «radio whisper» commands, with different chat color & more/less scrambling

The ability to set one radio as «Active» & to listen to multiple different radios at a time

Your active radio is indicated with a green square in your inventory. A radio that you are listening to, but not transmitting on, is marked as yellow. For reasons, changing your radio’s frequency by using the «Frequency» command in your inventory will make it your active radio. The \setFreq command will only change the frequency of your active radio. I tried to keep things common sense, to avoid unnecessary inventory management: for example, if you only have one radio in your inventory, it should become active as soon as you turn it on without any additional fuss. However, it is possible to be without an active radio in certain situations. You should receive a notification if this is the case when you try to transmit or \setFreq without an active radio (or if you have another problem like having no radios).

The radio frequency on which you received the message is displayed next to the speaker’s name (or callsign), shown in dark gray if your active frequency is not the same as theirs and light gray if it is.

Radio callsigns, which are used instead of the character’s name for radio chat and shown in the «You» menu

Callsigns should be persistent across a restart, although I have had mixed success with this. Two options are available in the config menu to set a «default» callsign: the speaker’s character name (as usual), or an «anonymous» option (i.e. «Somebody/Someone/A voice radios in»). If a character has a callsign set, this will always show as their «radio name» even if transmissions are anonymized. A character’s callsign can be set with \setCallsign and can include spaces and such. If no argument is provided, their callsign is reset to the default config setting.

Long range radio item ( «sh_longrange» ), with different chat color & less scrambling

Walkie talkie item ( «sh_walkietalkie» ), with different functionality & more scrambling

Walkie talkies operate on the same radio frequencies as everyone else, but with one caveat: you can not directly choose the frequency. Instead, running the «Scan» command on the walkie talkie item in your inventory will search your surroundings for other players using a walkie talkie and gives you a chance to «lock on» to their frequency (and channel, for convenience). If a «strong» signal is not found, a random frequency is assigned to the walkie talkie. You are guaranteed to find a frequency if you are within speaking range of another person with an enabled walkie talkie. Scanning will always change your frequency; that is, you will not stay locked on to the same frequency if you scan twice in a row, even if the person on that frequency is right next to you.

The maximum range of the walkie talkie is controllable via the config menu and scales to the current maximum range of the radio. I called it a «multiplier» but I suppose it’s more like a «divisor». The maximum range of the walkie talkie will always be less than that of radio chat & their transmissions will always be more garbled, whether you are sending or receiving.

*Radio repeaters & duplex radios, which only function when in range of a repeater

Normally, radio communications are peer-to-peer; you communicate directly with other people, transmitting and listening on the same frequency. This is the familiar «simplex» mode, which has the downside of degrading heavily at long ranges, as the signal strength corresponds to the strength of your own radio. Radio repeaters create the possibility of «duplex» transmissions. By receiving a (potentially weak) signal on one frequency, and outputting it on a different (more powerful) frequency, radio messages can be «relayed» long distances— at a cost. If you leave the range of the repeater, your messages won’t get through at all.


These kinds of repeaters are only compatible with duplex radios, which cannot transmit and receive on the same frequency at once. Duplex radios function almost identically to their regular counterparts but with an additional «receiving» or «listening» frequency that must be tuned to the correct output frequency of a radio repeater. Duplex walkie talkies have their «Scan» function replaced with a «Synchronize» function to automatically set both the transmitting and receiving frequencies to those of a nearby radio repeater.

«Hybrid» radios also exist that can swap between simplex and duplex modes. For convenience when using hybrid walkie talkies (as you must be very close to a receiver to synchronize with it and this is usually only desirable to have to do once), you do not lose your synchronized transmitting frequency when swapping modes. In other words, this frequency will always be «saved» until you synchronize with a new repeater. This is not true for any frequency you were using in simplex mode! If you «lock on» to a frequency in simplex mode, swap to duplex, and then back to simplex again, you will have lost that frequency.

Radio sound effects/tones for transmitting and receiving messages, modified by distance

«Silence» command for the radio, which disables your own radio tones

A silenced radio has a red line through the active/enabled marker. This does not stop you from hearing other people’s radio tones if they are nearby— overall control of whether or not sounds are activated is handled in the Helix config menu.

Near total control of radio ranges, chat colors, callsigns, and other features via the Helix config menu



A repository for plugins designed for use with Helix, a roleplaying script for Garry’s Mod.



Calls one of the item’s methods.


The method to be called

The client to pass when calling the method, if applicable

The eneity to pass when calling the method, if applicable

Arguments to pass to the method


The values returned by the method


Returns the ID of the owning character, if one exists.


The owning character’s ID

Item:GetData(key, default)

Returns the value stored on a key within the item’s data.


The key in which the value is stored

The value to return in case there is no value stored in the key


The value stored within the key


Returns the description of the item.


The description of the item


Returns the item’s entity.


The entity of the item


Returns this item’s database ID. This is guaranteed to be unique.



Returns the model of the item.


The model of the item


Returns the name of the item.


The name of the item


Returns the player that owns this item.


Player owning this item


Returns the SteamID64 of the owning player, if one exists.


The owning player’s SteamID64


Returns the skin of the item.


The skin of the item

Item:Hook(name, func)

Changes the function called on specific events for the item.


The name of the hook

The function to call once the event occurs

Item:PostHook(name, func)

Changes the function called after hooks for specific events for the item.


The name of the hook

The function to call after the original hook was called


A utility function which prints the item’s details.


Whether additional detail should be printed or not(Owner, X position, Y position)


A utility function printing the item’s stored data.

Item:Remove(bNoReplication, bNoDelete)


Whether or not the item’s removal should not be replicated.

Whether or not the item should not be fully deleted


Whether the item was successfully deleted or not

Item:SetData(key, value, receivers, noSave, noCheckEntity)

Sets a key within the item’s data.


The key to store the value within

The value to store within the key

The players to replicate the data on

Whether to disable saving the data on the database or not

Whether to disable setting the data on the entity, if applicable

Item:Spawn(position, angles)

Spawn an item entity based off the item table.


The position in which the item’s entity will be spawned

The angles at which the item’s entity will spawn


The spawned entity

Item:Transfer(invID, x, y, client, noReplication, isLogical)

Transfers an item to a specific inventory.


The inventory to transfer the item to

The X position to which the item should be transferred on the new inventory

The Y position to which the item should be transferred on the new inventory

The player to which the item is being transferred

Whether there should be no replication of the transferral

Whether or not an entity should spawn if the item is transferred to the world


Whether the transfer was successful or not

The error, if applicable


Returns true if this item is equal to another item. Internally, this checks item IDs.


Item to compare to


Whether or not this item is equal to the given item

Example Usage


Returns a string representation of this item.


Example Usage



All item functions live inside of an item’s functions table. An item function entry includes a few methods and fields you can use to customize the functionality and appearance of the item function. An example item function is below:


Language phrase to use when displaying this item function’s name in the UI. If not specified, then it will use the unique ID of the item function

Language phrase to use when displaying this item function’s detailed description in the UI

Path to the material to use when displaying this item function’s icon

Function to call when the item function is ran. This function is ONLY ran on the server.

The only argument passed into this function is the instance of the item being called. The instance will have its player field set if the item function is being ran by a player (which it should be most of the time). It will also have its entity field set if the item function is being ran while the item is in the world, and not in a player’s inventory.

The item will be removed after the item function is ran. If you want to prevent this behaviour, then you can return false in this function. See the example above.

Function to call when checking whether or not this item function can be ran. This function is ran BOTH on the client and server.

This function is called when the player clicks on this item function’s entry in the UI. This function is ran ONLY on the client, and is only ran if OnCanRun succeeds.

The same arguments from OnCanRun and OnRun apply to this function.


Changing the way an item’s icon is rendered is done by modifying the location and angle of the model, as well as the FOV of the camera. You can tweak the values in code, or use the ix_dev_icon console command to visually position the model and camera. An example entry for an item’s icon is below:

Note that this will probably not work for your item’s specific model, since every model has a different size, origin, etc. All item icons need to be tweaked individually.


Location of the model relative to the camera. +X is forward, +Z is up

Angle of the model


When creating an item class, the file will have a global table ITEM set that you use to define the item’s values/methods. An example item class is below:

Note that the below list only includes the default fields available for all items, and not special ones defined in custom item bases.


Display name of the item

Detailed description of the item

Model to use for the item’s icon and when it’s dropped in the world

Width of the item in grid cells

Height of the item in grid cells

How much money it costs to purchase this item in the business menu

Whether or not to disallow purchasing this item in the business menu

List of factions allowed to purchase this item in the business menu

List of character classes allowed to purchase this item in the business menu. Classes are checked after factions, so the character must also be in an allowed faction

How to render this item’s icon

List of all item functions that this item has. See ItemFunctionStructure on how to define new item functions


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